National Collaborative for Digital Equity (NCDE) in New Hampshire, USA, is a non-profit working in education, aiming to generate a national infrastructure to eliminate the digital divide and the crushing barrier it presents to the nation’s low- and moderate-income learners and communities.
The Need
The Solution
NCDE is using C.TI to bring competency-based learning to the forefront of New Hampshire.
NCDE has developed three levels of financial literacy for diverse high school students in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the school district believes it is essential for all high school students to graduate with these core skills.
C.TI enables educators to issue credentials. This allows learners to earn badges that are offered by issuers and recognized as meaningful by employers. It also assists in maintaining a personal e-portfolio (“wallet”) where the students can store their growing array of badges.
The platform also allows educators and administrators to see at a glance who among their roster of learners has earned which badges
The Result
As of September 2022, the program is in its infancy but ramping up;Learn more about our C.TI work in the education sector ->